Exam Information

 Internal Exams

Throughout the year, students from Year 7-11 will sit internal exams. This is not only to familiarise students with the process of sitting a  formal exam, but also to provide a means of assessing their progress throughout the year.

Exams that will take place the 2024-25 academic year are:

  • Year 11 November Mock Exams: Mon 4th Nov – Fri 15th Nov                 
  • Year 11 Mock Exams: Mon 20th Jan – Fri 31st Jan                 
  • Year 10: Mon 19th Jun – Fri 30th Jun                                     
  • Year 9: Tue 26th Nov  – Thu 28th Nov       
  • Year 8: Tues 18th Mar – Fri 20th Mar                                         

Revision booklet - Download/View

  • Year 7: Tues 29th April – Thu 1st May                                      

Internal Exam Timetables

Below you will find links to Internal Exam Timetables for sessions which are current or forthcoming:

 To be updated soon

External GCSE Exams

The Summer 2025 revision booklet can be found here: Download/View

Information about the Summer 2025 exam series can be found here:

GCSE Exam Dates 2025 - Exam Timetables and Key Information - BBC Bitesize

A copy of the most recent Ofqual student guide can be found here: 

Ofqual Student Guide 2024 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Practical Examinations and Speaking Tests
These will normally be held in specialist rooms/buildings.  Details of venues and times will be published well in advance.

Written Examinations
These will normally be held in the Sports Hall, though a small number of students may take their exams in other locations as published.  It is each student's responsibility to be at the correct venue, on time, for each exam.

Examination Times
Whilst some exams may start slightly earlier, our normal start times are: morning exams – 9:00 am & afternoon exams – 1.30 pm

Examination Regulations

  • If you miss an exam, you CANNOT take it at a different time, so keep your timetable safe. You will be given a final personalised GCSE timetable that will include rooms and seat numbers.
  • Unauthorised materials MAY NOT be taken into examination rooms. Bring only the basic equipment you need for each exam: black ink pen (NO OTHER COLOUR IS ALLOWED); ruler; pencil; rubber
  • Mathematical instruments are needed for relevant examinations; calculators may be used in certain exams only
  • Pencil must not be used for written answers. If you want to use a pencil-case, it MUST be completely see-through
  • Gel pens, correcting pens and correction fluid, such as Tippex, are NOT ALLOWED.

Useful Websites

Elevate Parent Support Programme
Free Webinars for Parents of Year 11s: Supporting Your Child Through GCSEs  - Ridgeway High School
Elevate Education are an organisation that deliver Study Skills.  They have recently attended King James's School and delivered sessions to both Year 10 and Year 11 students. We now have access to their Parent Support programme as outlined below:
Parent/Carer webinars
Elevate host a series of Parent Support Webinars.

Monthly e-books

Our e-book series expands on the themes covered in the webinar, providing parents with practical tips for how they can discuss and use the skills covered in the webinars with their children

Articles and blogs

We will also provide short, quick-read articles and summaries featuring tips on the themes covered in the webinars and e-books that you can include in school newsletters, social media and wider communications
