Progress 8 and Attainment 8
Provisional GCSE results for 2024 show an Overall Progress 8 score of +0.00.
Each Progress 8 'bucket' score was as follows: English (-0.12), Maths (+0.20), EBacc subjects {Sciences, Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages} (+0.26), and Other subjects (-0.37).
The school's Attainment 8 score was 46.8, well above the national average.
English and Mathematics (Basics)
50.7% of all students gained at least a 5 (a ‘strong’ pass) in English and Mathematics, well above the national average.
English Baccalaureate (EBacc)
Whilst 46% of all students were entered for the full Ebacc {English, Maths, Science, Language and Humanity}, 29% gained at least a Grade 5 (a ‘strong’ pass), and 39% gained at least a Grade 4 (a ‘good’ pass) in all subjects. All these figures are well above the national average.
The school's Ebacc Average Point Score was 4.39, also well above national average.
Pupils staying on (2023)
97% of pupils stayed in education or employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 4, well above the national average (94%).
Progress 8 and Attainment 8
Provisional GCSE results for 2024 show an Overall Progress 8 score of +0.00.
Each Progress 8 'bucket' score was as follows: English (-0.12), Maths (+0.20), EBacc subjects {Sciences, Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages} (+0.26), and Other subjects (-0.37).
The school's Attainment 8 score was 46.8, well above the national average.
English and Mathematics (Basics)
50.7% of all students gained at least a 5 (a ‘strong’ pass) in English and Mathematics, well above the national average.
English Baccalaureate (EBacc)
Whilst 46% of all students were entered for the full Ebacc {English, Maths, Science, Language and Humanity}, 29% gained at least a Grade 5 (a ‘strong’ pass), and 39% gained at least a Grade 4 (a ‘good’ pass) in all subjects. All these figures are well above the national average.
The school's Ebacc Average Point Score was 4.39, also well above national average.
Pupils staying on (2023)
97% of pupils stayed in education or employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 4, well above the national average (94%).