Key Stage 3 - Years 7, 8 and 9 

At King James's School, we have a three-year KS3 which provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all our students.
All students take courses in English, Mathematics, Science, Design Technology (including Food and Textile Technology), Art, French, History, Geography, Religious Education, Music, Drama, Physical Education, Integrated Studies (personal, social and citizenship education) and Computing.
In Year 7, Mathematics is taught in sets by ability. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups
In Years 8, English, Mathematics, Science, Languages are taught in sets. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups
In Year 9 English, Maths, Science and Languages are taught in sets. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups

Our KS3 curriculum plans can be found by selecting a year group below:




Key Stage 3 - Years 7, 8 and 9 

At King James's School, we have a three-year KS3 which provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all our students.
All students take courses in English, Mathematics, Science, Design Technology (including Food and Textile Technology), Art, French, History, Geography, Religious Education, Music, Drama, Physical Education, Integrated Studies (personal, social and citizenship education) and Computing.
In Year 7, Mathematics is taught in sets by ability. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups
In Years 8, English, Mathematics, Science, Languages are taught in sets. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups
In Year 9 English, Maths, Science and Languages are taught in sets. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups

Our KS3 curriculum plans can be found by selecting a year group below:




Key Stage 3 - Years 7, 8 and 9 

At King James's School, we have a three-year KS3 which provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all our students.
All students take courses in English, Mathematics, Science, Design Technology (including Food and Textile Technology), Art, French, History, Geography, Religious Education, Music, Drama, Physical Education, Integrated Studies (personal, social and citizenship education) and Computing.
In Year 7, Mathematics is taught in sets by ability. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups
In Years 8, English, Mathematics, Science, Languages are taught in sets. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups
In Year 9 English, Maths, Science and Languages are taught in sets. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups

Our KS3 curriculum plans can be found by selecting a year group below:




Key Stage 3 - Years 7, 8 and 9 

At King James's School, we have a three-year KS3 which provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all our students.
All students take courses in English, Mathematics, Science, Design Technology (including Food and Textile Technology), Art, French, History, Geography, Religious Education, Music, Drama, Physical Education, Integrated Studies (personal, social and citizenship education) and Computing.
In Year 7, Mathematics is taught in sets by ability. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups
In Years 8, English, Mathematics, Science, Languages are taught in sets. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups
In Year 9 English, Maths, Science and Languages are taught in sets. All other subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups

Our KS3 curriculum plans can be found by selecting a year group below:


