Ambition and Rewards


At King James’s School, we have high expectations for all stakeholders both inside and outside of the classroom.  

One of our Commitments from the King James’s Way states that we make a commitment to being a community that encourages mutual respect and shared responsibility.

We believe that sanctions are important when the wrong choices are made, but we also believe that praise should far outweigh sanctions and we do this through our Rewards system which will be relaunched in September 2023. All staff will follow the Rewards system and use praise and reward to reinforce expected behaviour norms.

Different parts of our Rewards System, which support our Ambition Curriculum, include:

  1. Classroom based rewards
  2. ACE rewards shop
  3. Passport to Success
  4. Celebration events / Presentation Evenings


  1. Classroom based rewards

Every lesson - teaching staff will award:

  • ACE points
  • Achievement points
  • Praise

Every fortnight - “Marvellous Monday” Draw 

  • A draw will take place, every Monday of Week 1, for the students who have achieved the most Achievement Points the previous fortnight: 5 x £10 Amazon vouchers (one per year group)

Every month - Tutees of the Month raffle

  • Every 4th week will be Student Review Week in tutor time.
  • Tutors will choose a student from their form group who has impressed them with their Reflections and Target Setting and a draw will take place for one student per year group: 5 x £10 Amazon vouchers (one per year group).

Every half-term – Every half term, there will be a Celebration Assembly in registration time:

  • Celebration of Excellence will take place at the end of every half term (October, February and May). this will be a chance to recognise students who have been nominated by staff for various commendations
  • End of Term Celebrations will take place at the end of each term in December, March / April and July. Teaching staff will nominate their Student of the Term and the Pastoral Leaders will lead this assembly


  1. ACE rewards shop

ACE points - Each lesson, each teacher chooses three students to receive an ACE point voucher. Staff will give their chosen students a voucher and will record this on SIMS as an achievement point. Students chosen should have personified ACE: go above and beyond / shown good character / achieved excellence / etc. Students can save vouchers for a larger prize or cash them in when they wish. 

Enrichment snapshot - Every half term, the top 10 students who engage with enrichment activities will be awarded 5 ACE points vouchers each



  1. Passport to Success

Year 11 students will be encouraged to work hard to achieve the 10 Pledges that will allow them to attend the end of school Prom. Pledges are:


  1. Be co-operative at all times 
  2. Always wear full school uniform and be ready to learn in lessons 
  3. Always remain on site and behave in a safe manner (no truancy of assembly, tutor time or lessons) 
  4. Have no more than 15 late marks and have 95%+ attendance  
  5. Take part in PE lessons with full kit on a regular basis 


  1. Achieve 75% 1s and 2s for effort grades on your progress reviews in Year 11 
  2. Have no more than 10 L4’s for not completing homework 
  3. Produce your own revision timetable by the Easter holidays of Year 11 and / or regularly attend revision sessions 


  1. Have taken part in at least one careers based event in year 10 and 11 
  2. Successfully complete your Mock Interview in December & complete your post 16 application on time 


  1. Celebration events / Presentation Evenings

The aim is to celebrate student success both in school time and outside of school time. This will include:

  • Celebration of excellence assemblies
  • Student celebratory lunches
  • End of term celebration assemblies
  • Presentation Evenings
  • Sport Awards evenings
  • Student Leadership celebration event
  • Senior Student evening

Ambition and Rewards


At King James’s School, we have high expectations for all stakeholders both inside and outside of the classroom.  

One of our Commitments from the King James’s Way states that we make a commitment to being a community that encourages mutual respect and shared responsibility.

We believe that sanctions are important when the wrong choices are made, but we also believe that praise should far outweigh sanctions and we do this through our Rewards system which will be relaunched in September 2023. All staff will follow the Rewards system and use praise and reward to reinforce expected behaviour norms.

Different parts of our Rewards System, which support our Ambition Curriculum, include:

  1. Classroom based rewards
  2. ACE rewards shop
  3. Passport to Success
  4. Celebration events / Presentation Evenings


  1. Classroom based rewards

Every lesson - teaching staff will award:

  • ACE points
  • Achievement points
  • Praise

Every fortnight - “Marvellous Monday” Draw 

  • A draw will take place, every Monday of Week 1, for the students who have achieved the most Achievement Points the previous fortnight: 5 x £10 Amazon vouchers (one per year group)

Every month - Tutees of the Month raffle

  • Every 4th week will be Student Review Week in tutor time.
  • Tutors will choose a student from their form group who has impressed them with their Reflections and Target Setting and a draw will take place for one student per year group: 5 x £10 Amazon vouchers (one per year group).

Every half-term – Every half term, there will be a Celebration Assembly in registration time:

  • Celebration of Excellence will take place at the end of every half term (October, February and May). this will be a chance to recognise students who have been nominated by staff for various commendations
  • End of Term Celebrations will take place at the end of each term in December, March / April and July. Teaching staff will nominate their Student of the Term and the Pastoral Leaders will lead this assembly


  1. ACE rewards shop

ACE points - Each lesson, each teacher chooses three students to receive an ACE point voucher. Staff will give their chosen students a voucher and will record this on SIMS as an achievement point. Students chosen should have personified ACE: go above and beyond / shown good character / achieved excellence / etc. Students can save vouchers for a larger prize or cash them in when they wish. 

Enrichment snapshot - Every half term, the top 10 students who engage with enrichment activities will be awarded 5 ACE points vouchers each



  1. Passport to Success

Year 11 students will be encouraged to work hard to achieve the 10 Pledges that will allow them to attend the end of school Prom. Pledges are:


  1. Be co-operative at all times 
  2. Always wear full school uniform and be ready to learn in lessons 
  3. Always remain on site and behave in a safe manner (no truancy of assembly, tutor time or lessons) 
  4. Have no more than 15 late marks and have 95%+ attendance  
  5. Take part in PE lessons with full kit on a regular basis 


  1. Achieve 75% 1s and 2s for effort grades on your progress reviews in Year 11 
  2. Have no more than 10 L4’s for not completing homework 
  3. Produce your own revision timetable by the Easter holidays of Year 11 and / or regularly attend revision sessions 


  1. Have taken part in at least one careers based event in year 10 and 11 
  2. Successfully complete your Mock Interview in December & complete your post 16 application on time 


  1. Celebration events / Presentation Evenings

The aim is to celebrate student success both in school time and outside of school time. This will include:

  • Celebration of excellence assemblies
  • Student celebratory lunches
  • End of term celebration assemblies
  • Presentation Evenings
  • Sport Awards evenings
  • Student Leadership celebration event
  • Senior Student evening