Curriculum Vision
Our curriculum vision is summarised through 'Curriculum KJS 2023-2024'.
We regularly review our curriculum structure and design and are currently developing the 'Curriculum Statement for the academic year September 2024', to ensure all students benefit from the best possible academic and personal learning opportunities.
Click here to read our Curriculum Policy

Curriculum KJS 2023-2024
Knowledge – ‘Curriculum KJS’ provides students with an exciting curriculum that is both inspiring and carves a clear pathway into students’ future career choices. Our curriculum is designed to meet a range of key principles:
- We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, with a three-year Key Stage 3, followed by a two-year Key Stage 4, that is accessible to all students
- We provide opportunities for all students to develop the academic skills and knowledge, together with the personal qualities, required for success in adult life
- We develop students’ prospects through a range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural opportunities
- We provide clear pathway routes for students in Year 9 to pursue subjects that have a close link to their future career path
Journey – Our students’ journey is one in which they experience high quality delivery of a carefully mapped out curriculum, which has strong academic values at its core. This journey is founded upon some key principles:
- We pay careful attention to the delivery and sequencing of knowledge and skills and provide students with clear progression throughout the Key Stages
- Our subject specialist staff deliver high quality lessons
- We aim to provide an exciting range of curricular and enrichment opportunities and experiences, beyond the classroom, that allow our students to thrive.
Success - Our curriculum aims are to ensure strong outcomes from a variety of pathways which are accessible to all of our students. These pathways provide a wide range of knowledge and skills that help prepare our students for the global economy. This success has some key principles at its heart:
- An all-inclusive KS4 programme to provide the opportunity for students to achieve appropriate qualifications, including a KS4 offer that has the EBacc at its heart
- To ensure that all students are able to thrive and develop into physically and mentally healthy individuals
- We aim to ensure that students succeed, providing them with key opportunities to be nurtured, challenged and stretched, whilst developing a strength of character that will help them overcome the challenges they are likely to encounter in adult life
- We provide a range of opportunities for students to explore post 16 and career options which will help them to succeed in the next stage of their education, training or employment