Character Curriculum and Faculties

Our Character curriculum will be supported in Faculties in the following ways.

Firstly, we need to determine how each subject’s curriculum will reflect the Character themes.

Then we set out, and share, basic expectations of student behaviour in lessons.

We then need to establish a framework for lesson across school, which supports and challenges students, but does not stifle teacher creativity.

Finally, we need to set out all those occasions in which we can engage with parents through our parental contact opportunities.


Faculties will support our Character Curriculum in four different ways:

1.  Audit of subject provision
2. Basics of behaviour in lessons
3. Lesson routines
4. Parental Contacts 

1. Audit of subject provision

Each subject area will complete an audit identifying where they deliver the Character themes within the 5 ACE themes in class work and homework





2. Basics of behaviour in lessons

Some basic expectations are a minimum requirement of every student in every lesson, in order to create a positive learning environment around school:

  • Arrive on time, in a positive frame of mind for learning
  • Be in appropriate uniform – coats and non-school jumpers off
  • Sit according to seating plan and stay seated throughout the lesson unless you have permission
  • Ensure earphones/phones off & in bag
  • No eating/chewing gum, no drinking unless water from a bottle (some rooms, e.g., labs, this is not allowed)
  • Have all equipment out on desk and be ready to learn
  • Sit up, listen, and engage with the lesson
  • Actively engage with the lesson, asking questions if you are unsure
  • Show respect to everyone else in the class - allow the teacher to teach and others to learn, responding to the teacher, first time, every time

Students failing to meet these expectations will be challenged in a non-confrontational way and supported to make the right choice. Where students continue to fail to make the right choice, the Behaviour Policy will be applied in a fair, proportionate and consistent manner.


3. Lesson routines

Effective lesson routines are critical to good student behaviour & response. If such routines can be agreed and implemented consistently across school, it will support students in their behaviour and learning:

  • Be prompt ... or as prompt as practical, if moving rooms
  • Facilitate a calm entry … to ensure positive attitude to learning
  • Seat the class according to a plan … that is constantly reviewed
  • Engage the class with a starter activity … to focus learning
  • Take register … in timely fashion
  • Ensure students write homework in planner
  • Dismiss students on bell (not before) ... in orderly fashion


3. Parental Contacts

Aside of the informal contacts by phone or email, there are several formal opportunities to engage parents pastorally: 

  • Y7-11 Parents’ evenings – teaching staff and Pastoral Leader
  • Y9 Pathways evening – subject leads
  • Open evening – subject staff

Character Curriculum and Faculties

Our Character curriculum will be supported in Faculties in the following ways.

Firstly, we need to determine how each subject’s curriculum will reflect the Character themes.

Then we set out, and share, basic expectations of student behaviour in lessons.

We then need to establish a framework for lesson across school, which supports and challenges students, but does not stifle teacher creativity.

Finally, we need to set out all those occasions in which we can engage with parents through our parental contact opportunities.


Faculties will support our Character Curriculum in four different ways:

1.  Audit of subject provision
2. Basics of behaviour in lessons
3. Lesson routines
4. Parental Contacts 

1. Audit of subject provision

Each subject area will complete an audit identifying where they deliver the Character themes within the 5 ACE themes in class work and homework





2. Basics of behaviour in lessons

Some basic expectations are a minimum requirement of every student in every lesson, in order to create a positive learning environment around school:

  • Arrive on time, in a positive frame of mind for learning
  • Be in appropriate uniform – coats and non-school jumpers off
  • Sit according to seating plan and stay seated throughout the lesson unless you have permission
  • Ensure earphones/phones off & in bag
  • No eating/chewing gum, no drinking unless water from a bottle (some rooms, e.g., labs, this is not allowed)
  • Have all equipment out on desk and be ready to learn
  • Sit up, listen, and engage with the lesson
  • Actively engage with the lesson, asking questions if you are unsure
  • Show respect to everyone else in the class - allow the teacher to teach and others to learn, responding to the teacher, first time, every time

Students failing to meet these expectations will be challenged in a non-confrontational way and supported to make the right choice. Where students continue to fail to make the right choice, the Behaviour Policy will be applied in a fair, proportionate and consistent manner.


3. Lesson routines

Effective lesson routines are critical to good student behaviour & response. If such routines can be agreed and implemented consistently across school, it will support students in their behaviour and learning:

  • Be prompt ... or as prompt as practical, if moving rooms
  • Facilitate a calm entry … to ensure positive attitude to learning
  • Seat the class according to a plan … that is constantly reviewed
  • Engage the class with a starter activity … to focus learning
  • Take register … in timely fashion
  • Ensure students write homework in planner
  • Dismiss students on bell (not before) ... in orderly fashion


3. Parental Contacts

Aside of the informal contacts by phone or email, there are several formal opportunities to engage parents pastorally: 

  • Y7-11 Parents’ evenings – teaching staff and Pastoral Leader
  • Y9 Pathways evening – subject leads
  • Open evening – subject staff